Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Motoring Mobile Phone Menaces

So, there's a law in California about talking on the phone without a headset in the car, right? Yes. That's right. There's an actual LAW people. Do you care? Are you above it all? Do you have a never-ending supply of money that will allow you to pay off your tickets should you actually get stopped and get one?

Clearly the answers to these questions are: No. Yes. Duh.

Seriously though. I can't even tell you how many people I see blatantly ignoring this law every day. And, as prior to the passing of this law, these people CAN NOT DRIVE WHILE TALKING ON THE PHONE!!!!! As one of my favorite columnists said a number of years ago about people who just don't get it, these folks are oblivions...and are clearly im-por-tants (yes, said just like that). They are above the law...sooooo much important than the rest of us on the road. It's all about them.

Well ya know what? I don't like it. But who can I call? Ghostbusters? I'd probably have more luck with them than trying to make a case for making the law a primary offense, rather than a secondary one. What was the point of this law? Yes, a lot of people are getting tickets, but it sure seems to me that if the state were really serious about it, it should be a primary offense and carry a stiffer fine.

Come on people. Are you really so important that you can't put an earpiece in your ear or get a hands free speaker device of some sort? Or, heaven forbid, can
you wait until you arrive at your destination before calling your BFF about nothing of real interest? Who is this important? Seriously. I really want to know.

Clearly one VERY important person today was the guy driving the AT&T truck that blocked an entire lane because he decided too late that he needed to get in the turn lane instead of going straight. As if this action weren't annoying enough, when I got close enough (as he was about to get into MY turn lane), I noticed that he was on the phone. Nice AT&T. Good to know your employees are driving safely. Somehow I feel even better about my switch to Comcast.


The thing is, there are so many things that cause us distraction while driving...I'm not sure we could ever ban things to the point where every driver would truly be focused and safe, but every little bit has to help, right?

I have a large fear that the next thing to go will be the iPod...as in, you can't touch it while driving or something...that would
momentarily hurt me, but I think at the end of the day, I would just ensure that I had long enough play lists to last for my entire journey. Wouldn't I? I'd like to think so.

I've had no real issue with the phone thing...although I didn't realize how much I checked email while sitting at lights until that sort of activity was recently banned too. I've had some itchy fingers, but I'm getting used to it. See? It can be done people!!!

Alright. I guess I'm done with my rant for today. I was just so annoyed with that AT&T guy today...I felt I had to say something.

Happy Motoring!

Oh...that's my mom to the left...not her car, but she still looks good!!


  1. Basically you took the words right out of my mouth. I too am tired of the illegals on their phones. I'm totally yelling with you!!!!
