Monday, May 17, 2010

Please rise...

...and disrespect your country. 

No. I don't think that's what they say when it's time for the anthem, but lately, I have to wonder if that's what people have decided to hear.

While I was watching the movie "The Rookie" last night in my fevered state, it got me thinking about how pure and uninterrupted the national anthem was when it was sung at this tiny little baseball field where this tiny little team played it's tiny little district-championship-winning game. And then I remembered how obnoxious it was at The Tank yesterday before the Sharks game I probably shouldn't have attended.

What has happened to us that we can't be still and calm during our country's national anthem? Many do sing along, and I love hearing all the voices, but oh my goodness, there is so much hooting and howling and crap that goes on that it literally makes me sick to my stomach. Yesterday, there was a Chicago Blackhawks fan that clapped through the entire song. CLAPPED. What? Earlier this season when we played the Blackhawks there was another of their fans that made comments throughout the whole song. Both displays were completely disrespectful. 

But it's not just opposing fans that do this. I see/hear Sharks fans do it too, and I just don't get it. The anthem has nothing to do with the actual game, so why get all crazy about it? Heaven forbid we're playing the Stars because then there is a loud chorus of boos when the poor anthem singer gets to the "broad stripes and bright stars" portion of the song. It's wrong at so many levels. At least they started telling the anthem singers to pause before starting so that the awesome "Hey [opposing team name]? You suck!!" chant doesn't drown out the first few words. They forgot to tell the saxophonist playing yesterday though. We missed the first few notes of the song, because in case you hadn't heard Blackhawks, You Suck!! Never mind that they beat us...that's a separate story...

Now, I did a little Internet surfing this morning about why it is we even have the national anthem sung or played at sporting events and found this little tidbit on Mental Floss, and though it pains me greatly to credit the Chicago Cubs or Boston Red Sox for anything, I guess they started it. I guess it didn't really surprise me to learn that it was baseball that started the whole anthem singing thing for real though. It's been around forever and is still considered America's pastime.

After searching a little more, I actually found some legal code addressing what one should do when the anthem is played. Per United States Code, 36 U.S.C. § 301, individuals are to stand at attention when the anthem is being played, facing the flag if it's present. So, in my mind, standing at attention means you're not clapping, you're not saying things, you're not cheering, you're certainly not booing, and honestly, thought it doesn't reference it, I'm not even sure you're supposed to be singing along - although I always sing along, so I'd like to think that's okay. Not that I'm always right, but it seems patriotic to sing along with your anthem. (To be honest, I even sing along with the Canadian anthem because it's such a beautiful song.) Now, I'm all for free speech and a person's choice to not sing along or put their hand over their heart or salute. That's fine. But stop ruining it for the rest of us. It's just not okay.

As someone who sings the national anthem at sporting events on occasion, I can honestly say I don't hear any of the chatter that goes on, but then again, I've never had the pleasure of singing at a Sharks game - maybe someday. Still, it's even a little unnerving to hear people cheer when I hit the note on "free". I love that they seem to be enjoying my rendition of the song, and I love that they are cheering about our wonderful freedom, but I don't know. I've never clapped or cheered at that part when anyone else is singing, and I've never really understood it. Maybe one of you can explain it to me.

Anyway...these are just my thoughts on a (finally) feverless morning. Maybe you've got thoughts of your own. Maybe you don't care at all. That's okay. Just time you're at a game, think about it before you do something crazy during the anthem. For me. Thanks.


  1. I completely agree. I think people have lost their focus of what this country was founded on and have very little respect for its flag, its anthem and its heritage. SAD and SICKENING! You go girl!!


  2. I agree with you, too, Carrie. Very strongly. But I don't think the direspect thing is limited to the national anthem. Not to sound too jaded, but most people now do not have a clue about manners and respect and what is/is not appropriate behavior. Sad.(Jenna)

  3. you are both so right...i love the patriotism of our country, and while i'm all about the freedom of expression (or not expressing anything), it's just sad how many seem to be anti-patriotism these days...i just don't get it...
