Friday, February 5, 2010

And then there was almost a brawl...

I love going to the movie at CineArts in Santana Row because I am almost always the youngest person there, especially when I go during the day like today. My movie was in one of the smaller theaters, and I took my small bag of popcorn and bottle of water to the back row and sat down with about 20 minutes to relax before it started. I was minding my own business, checking email, figuring out new features on my phone, breathing. Other people came in here and there...all normal stuff. Then, the pre-movie entertainment began.

With about 6 minutes to go, a couple of women sat down in the row in front of me - probably a little younger than me (curse them for ruining my youngest-at-the-movie status!) - and they were quite the chatterboxes. Now granted, the movie hadn't started and the previews weren't even on yet, but they were pretty loud and an older couple in the middle of the row they were sitting in gave a couple of glances in their direction, basically I think to see what all the hoopla was about that caused them to talk so loud. Heck, I gave 'em glance too, but I was behind them so it was far more stealthy in nature. This went on for another minute or two...the chatter and the glances, which were a bit dramatic, but kind of funny. And then it happened.

First Woman: "You know, the movie hasn't even started yet. We are allowed to talk. I don't know why you're staring at us and giving us the stink eye."

Oh yeah. She said stink eye.

The couple was quite huffy and sat back in their seats with heavy sighs.

Second woman: "We can still talk. It's not a crime." (or something to that effect)

First Woman: "I know. Go on."

Lights went down and they did get quiet, as I figured they would.

Sat through the previews, including that freaking annoying one for that Babies movie that actually makes me want to scream out loud every time I see it. The movie started, A Single Man, and if you've seen it, you know how it starts and how it's very calm. Even if you haven't seen it you likely know that it's about a gay man in the 60s. And near the beginning there is a kiss. And that's when the huffy couple from the middle of the row got up and walked out of the theater! I don't know if they were upset at the movie or the women, or what, but there were some looks passed between all parties as they passed by the women on their way out. Seriously. I thought there might be a brawl...which would have been highly entertaining in the land of Santana Row, but would have really detracted from the movie.

I knew I could not keep this little gem to myself, so I hope you've enjoyed today's adventure in the life of Carrie. I know. You WISH you had as much fun as me at the movies.


  1. This is definitely entertainment for Santana Sleepy Row CineArts. But not nearly as funny and entertaining as, "Is he GAY?" HA! All time classic SRCineArts experience. I've watched that same movie twice since then and I can't help but burst out laughing thinking of that "aged, deaf, clueless" woman. :)

  2. Oh Anonymous...I KNEW you of all people would appreciate this story. And yes, it was almost as good as that other experience!!

  3. I LOVE it!!!!! You and I SOOO need to go to the movies together. I have some similar stories and with the 2 of us together, there's sure to be a FIGHT. :)
