Thursday, June 18, 2009

My Own Personal Crazy; oh, and Vegas

After four mornings of Waking up in Vegas (no, I'm not Katy Perry in my other life), I look forward to waking up in my own bedroom tomorrow morning. Vegas wasn't's just not my favorite place to be. It was fun to catch up with friends though and take a swim in my gigantic jacuzzi tub.

While in Vegas, I came to realize that most days, I live in My Own Personal Crazy. Things that go on in my world don't typically happen to others. Like what you ask? Read on...

One ~ Where I sit on Southwest planes

I've known for a while that I can only sit in certain seats when I fly Southwest, but I didn't realize how big my crazy was until this weekend when I was explaining my seating options to a friend. See, I can only sit in either the A seat (left side window) or the D seat (right side aisle). Why? Seriously, why? It's all to do with the seat belt. Yes, you read that right. The seat belt. For whatever reason, and I absolutely can NOT explain this to you, I can only sit in a seat where the long side of the seat belt is on the right, and the short side is on the left. That's the only way I can make it clasp. The other way? Nope. Can't do it. Yeah. I don't get it either, but it is what it is. Uh huh. My Own Personal Crazy.

Two ~ I can't kill things that come uninvited into my hotel room (or any other room for that matter!)

It's a well-known fact that I don't do things with 8 legs. It's just not an option. Don't come into my house. You are absolutely not invited. Now, because I live by myself, sometimes, I have to suck it up and evict said 8-legged things. But I do not enjoy it. Not at all. And if I can just leave a room and pretend I never saw it? All the better. Anything else, I can usually take care of (praise God I do not get those nuclear war survivor cockroaches). Ants? Done. Gnat or Fly? Evicted. Small moths? Ousted. So, when a large moth...and I mean LARGE...appeared in my hotel room last night, I wasn't freaked out, but I also couldn't kill it. First of all, when it finally stopped dive bombing and making itself dizzy, it landed so high that there was no way I could get it. But I knew I'd never be able to have a relaxing swim in my tub or a restful night's sleep with it lounging in the room. Not an option. So, I called housekeeping/maintenance. I really wish I had video of what happened next. This gentleman (so nice btw!) came in with a bottle of some sort of Windex-like cleaning fluid and a towel. The strategy? Snap the towel in the moth's general direction, then when it moved, chase it and hope to slap it and knock it down. Seriously. This was one of the funniest things I've ever seen happen. I was trying so hard not to laugh, and he knew it was nuts, but he persevered and finally got the ginormo cousin-of-mothra moth. Done. Evicted. Now, when I posted a note about said moth on Facebook, my so-called friends started to mock me about the fact that I had to call someone to get it...that it was ridiculous that I couldn't catch it myself. I really wish I had taken a photo of this thing. I don't think any of them understood how BIG this thing was. Seriously. It was easily 1" x 2" without its wings spread, and it was flying all over the room all it had eaten a power bar or was hopped up on one of those energy drinks. Seriously. Psychotic moth. I have no qualms about the fact that I called someone to help. Isn't that part of what I pay for? Yes. Yes it is. It was much worse a few years ago in Cambria when one of those evil 8-legged creatures made its way into my room. I made that call much more quickly. I know. My Own Personal Crazy.

Three ~ There can never be enough ice or enough lemon

As anyone who has ever eaten dinner with me knows, I love my iced tea, but I am pretty particular about how it's served to me. My standard order is: iced tea with lots of ice and lots of lemons. It seems simple enough, but time and time again I am forced to ask for more ice and more lemon when they bring me the first glass. Is it really that hard? Really? What I usually get is a glass of iced tea with about 1/3 of the glass containing ice. No. Not enough. Fill the glass with ice, then put the tea in. And when you refill my glass? Make sure there's more ice. Refilling on top of the original ice doesn't do me any good. If the original glass comes with one lemon, what do you think lots of lemons means? More than two? Yes. It's more than two. A normal size glass needs two lemons. One of those giant glasses needs three...sometimes four. And guess what? EVERY glass needs the same number of lemons. I don't just want them for the first glass. Seriously, that's hard why? That's right. My Own Personal Crazy.

Well, I think that's just about enough of My Own Personal Crazy for one day. Another day, maybe I'll share more. Because this is just really a tiny thread that I started to pull for you. I probably could start a whole separate blog with this title (oooo, interesting idea) and just share something new every day. Because in my world? Every day brings me a whole sort of crazy to get involved with.



    I love it.

    And I SO would not have dealt with Mothra on my own.......

  2. Seriously. It was the size of a small hummingbird. You would not have been pleased.

  3. I LOVE your crazy! Some of it didn't sound so crazy to me (maybe because of my own crazy). This is a good blog topic. I may have to use it on mine.

  4. yeah, I really think crazy is underrated...and I definitely think you should join in the fray...
