Saturday, May 23, 2009

What's on your shelf?

Twilight - the books, not the time of day...I've almost finished book four...and I know I'll be bummed when there is nothing left to read...well, except the 60 other books sitting on my shelves that have yet to be cracked open. Yes. I'm a book-buying fool. I can't help myself. I've already pre-ordered several more that come out this summer and fall. I just love buying books! They look so fabulous on my shelves, and compared to a lot of things, they are relatively inexpensive. I've always been a book buyer, but I think I'm even more compelled to buy them now that I have friends who are authors. It really is their livelihood. Books must be bought!

Every now and then I'm terribly sorry that I bought a book and spent my time reading it. Sometimes, unknown books are unknown for a reason...they're just not good. Sometimes books on the bestseller list aren't good. I hate that. And it's rare that I can just stop reading...I need to know how it prove once and for all that yes, it's not a good book. Or maybe it's just a book I don't particularly care for. Who defines good anyway? I always feel guilty when I can't finish a book or just don't like what I'm reading. Having friends that are authors...I guess novelists is a better word, I know what goes into writing a book. It's not like someone didn't put their heart and soul into the book (well, most of the time anyway). But not every book is for everyone. I'm trying to get past it.

Hope you're enjoying a good book this weekend...if you're searching for one, here's a glance at some of my recent reading...enjoy!
  • EVEN by Andrew Grant - read this book! and not just because I'm friends with the's a great book!
  • Twilight Series by Stephanie Meyer - as previously stated, loving these books!
  • Sundays at Tiffany's by James Patterson - nice easygoing story...predictable, but enjoyable.
  • Second Chance by Jane Green - good...except for the end...a little disappointing. I read all of Jane's stuff though...really enjoy her writing.
  • Cancer is a Bitch by Gail Konop Baker - great book! semi-autobiographical and very real.

What's next on the list? Not sure...but here's what I've recently pre-ordered on Amazon:
  • Dune Road by Jane Green
  • Best Friends Forever by Jennifer Weiner
  • Tears of Pearl by Tasha Alexander (you should read all of her it now...she has 3 others in this series, and one outside of multiple copies...I might be slightly biased since she's one of my closest friends on the planet, but she's truly a fantastic writer!)

One I'm excited to read but isn't ready for pre-order quite yet:
  • Between Friends by Kristy Kiernan (read all of her books too! she is fabulous!)

And here are a few things sitting on my the running for what I'll read next:

What will actually happen, of course, is that I'll be wandering through Target or Barnes & Noble or Borders at some point this weekend and I'll buy something brand new to read. I'm a tragic tale.

Until next time...oh, and if you have any reading suggestions, please leave them in the comments...a girl can't have too many books on her shelves...


  1. How funny that I'm reading this today, since I decided that all I will be doing today is reading my new book (Pretty in Plaide by Jen Lancaster). Which Jane Green books do you have? I'll tell you if their worth reading or not, since I've read most of her stuff. Also, you should get all of Jen Lancaster's stuff (her humor totally reminds me of you). She writes memoirs.

  2. I have one of Jen's books...can't remember which...I remember that you liked her...and loved your pics with her in SF!

    Read a book between yesterday and today called Austenland which I loved!

    I have all the Jane Green books...can't remember which I haven't read...would have to get up and look...too lazy for that...we can peruse tomorrow. :-)

  3. You're too kind!

    I have, as usual, been on a book buying rampage and fear I'm never going to get through the To Be Read pile!!!!!

  4. When are we NOT on book-buying rampages? I pre-ordered two more yesterday on Amazon...good grief.

    Now...what to start next...I'm thinking Arthur Phillips' new one is calling to me...
