After working for 10 hours I decided to head home. I had plans, things to buy, things to watch, Sharks players to cheer for...instead, I got this:
The charm I set out to purchase at Tiffany can only be purchased at the New York stores or online. Of course, online takes 5 days, which is why I didn't order it online in the first place. Bothered.
I stopped at Arby's to get a sandwich on the way home and it was seriously the slowest experience ever, thought not completely horrible. The onion rings I got on the side on the other hand smelled so strong that I almost had to roll down my window before I got home.
As I arrived at the major intersection near my house I discovered that the traffic signal was out. I also discovered that no one understands how a 4-way stop is supposed to work. I'm honestly surprised there wasn't a single accident while I was watching the chaos unfold.
When I got home, ready to eat my sandwich and watch the NHL Awards in the hopes of seeing Logan Couture winning the Calder trophy I discovered that all my clocks were flashing, which of course means that there was a power outage at some point. It looked like my DVR was recording though, so I turned on my TV, navigated to the show and pushed play. And it started, but there was no sound. I stopped the recording and turned the TV off, waited a few minutes and turned it back on to discover that there was no sound anywhere, on any channel, thus rendering my recording of the awards show useless.
I turned the TV right back off, took a bite of my sandwich and opened the Twitter app on my phone to see if the awards had gone my way. Alas, they had not. So many kinds of not yay! Although I can't say I was that surprised because the NHL absolutely hates the San Jose Sharks. I don't know what possessed me to think they'd actually give the award to our very deserving rookie.
So let's recap, shall we?
Tiffany? FAIL
Arby's? MEH
Traffic Light? FAIL
Power? FAIL
NHL? FAIL!!!!!
I shoulda stayed at work...
The charm I set out to purchase at Tiffany can only be purchased at the New York stores or online. Of course, online takes 5 days, which is why I didn't order it online in the first place. Bothered.
I stopped at Arby's to get a sandwich on the way home and it was seriously the slowest experience ever, thought not completely horrible. The onion rings I got on the side on the other hand smelled so strong that I almost had to roll down my window before I got home.
As I arrived at the major intersection near my house I discovered that the traffic signal was out. I also discovered that no one understands how a 4-way stop is supposed to work. I'm honestly surprised there wasn't a single accident while I was watching the chaos unfold.
When I got home, ready to eat my sandwich and watch the NHL Awards in the hopes of seeing Logan Couture winning the Calder trophy I discovered that all my clocks were flashing, which of course means that there was a power outage at some point. It looked like my DVR was recording though, so I turned on my TV, navigated to the show and pushed play. And it started, but there was no sound. I stopped the recording and turned the TV off, waited a few minutes and turned it back on to discover that there was no sound anywhere, on any channel, thus rendering my recording of the awards show useless.
I turned the TV right back off, took a bite of my sandwich and opened the Twitter app on my phone to see if the awards had gone my way. Alas, they had not. So many kinds of not yay! Although I can't say I was that surprised because the NHL absolutely hates the San Jose Sharks. I don't know what possessed me to think they'd actually give the award to our very deserving rookie.
So let's recap, shall we?
Tiffany? FAIL
Arby's? MEH
Traffic Light? FAIL
Power? FAIL
NHL? FAIL!!!!!
I shoulda stayed at work...
Don't those days totally suck?? :)