Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm about to go on a rant...

It won't take long and there might be another one later. Right now my rant is about turn signals and the apparent difficulty most drivers have using them. Seriously. How hard is it? You see me wondering if I can turn out of the parking lot/driveway/street. You already know you're turning into the parking lot/driveway/street. You know I'm waiting to see if you turn or not, but since you have no interest in expending the energy to turn on your signal I must wait until you're mid-turn to make my move. And of course by that time, there's a car behind you not turning so I am forced to wait longer. Had you only signaled I would be gone by now. Don't even get me started about those of you that don't signal before pulling in front of me on the freeway. You live in your own special world and the rest of us are just your slaves.

Here are my only exceptions for NOT using the turn signal:

1 - It's 2 in the morning and you are, in fact, the only car on the road, on any road, in any town, anywhere.
2 - You're actually in a turn lane. In fact, when you use the turn signal while in a turn lane you are just wasting energy and with every flash of your turn signal you decrease its life.

That's it. Those are the exceptions. Think you can handle that?

Good. I'm done...for now.

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