Thursday, March 24, 2011

Blogging the Idols - Top 11

So one of my friends questioned today how I could make a fair assessment of a performance without watching the whole thing. My answer? I never claimed my critiques were fair.

So, if you were also wondering that, well, now you know. It's not about fair. It's about what I like and don't like. This is why I'm not actually a judge on the show. Sure, they asked me to be one, but I knew I'd throw things from my seat, so I politely declined.

My friend and I are in disagreement on this year's idols so far, but we both agree we'd like to vote Seacrest off the island. Where is THAT option for us?

Anyway...let's get on with it, shall we?

Number one: Casey - I Heard it Through the Grapevine
Oh dear. Casey's eyes are freaking me out, as is his hair. In fact, his whole performance is sorta freaking me out. I still like his voice, but not a fan of this. Yep. Fast forward.

Number two: Thia - Heat Wave
Ooo, liking it. And the outfit is cute. Eek. A little pitchy at the high end, but not horrid. Her ooo's were a little weird, but overall I liked it.
Number three: Jacob - You're All I Need to Get By
Okay, the background singers were a little weak to start with. I feel bored. I still like his voice too, but this isn't doing it for me. Uh huh. Fast forward.

Number four: Lauren - You Keep Me Hanging On
Okay, she was mumbling so much in the little video that I was already annoyed to start with. Enunciate sister! Do not like her dress. Yikes. Oh no. I'm not a fan of the faux flirting with the judges. She sounds better than she has in other weeks. Funny, the women seem to be more interesting to me this week than the men. Is that just me?

Number five: Stefano - Hello
Wait, he'd never heard the song? Huh? I'm leery. Oh. Oh my. No. Can't do it. It's not good. And a little scary. Fast forward...and go find Lionel Richie albums.
  • Side note: Do we really need to see and have conversations with the celebs in the audience? Time waster.
Number six: Haley - You've Really Got a Hold on Me
Oh. Oh wow. Where do I even start? Right. I start by fast forwarding. That was wasn't good...

Number seven: Scotty - For Once In My Life
Again. He can sing, but I just don't like the country. And to country-fy Stevie Wonder? That hurt me. I couldn't listen to all of it. Sorry.

Number eight: Pia - All In Love Is Fair
I don't really have a lot to say about her. It's actually really good. She's clearly very comfortable in this genre, and there's no doubt she can sing. My favorite so far.

Number nine: Paul - The Tracks of My Tears
Well, that says it all doesn't it? "I can't sing it like Smokey." Not that anyone else could either of course. Okay, I just don't like his voice. That's the bottom line. And this is just bad. And now it's gone.

Number ten: Naima - Dancing in the Street
I don't like the outfit, but she sounds good. Yeah. She's rockin' it. The dancing was a little over the top, but I think she was definitely the best so far. And wait, I think my friend and I may actually agree! What?!

Number eleven: James - Livin' for the City
Ah, one of my favorite Stevie songs...let's see how it goes. Okay, he sounds great. Uh oh, I think my friend and I might agree again. It's a toss up as to whether or not he or Naima were my favorite. I really liked this.

Favorite: It was close, but I gotta go with James. Naima was a close second and then Pia.

Least Favorite: Tie between Haley and Stefano. Yikes and ouch.

So, in just a few hours we'll see who this in just under the week, Top Ten!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Blogging the Idols - Top 12

I was on vacation last week and wasn't able to watch the Idol until tonight. So while I already know who was evicted (see ya Karen), I'm still going to blog this for you...or maybe just for me. we go...

Number one: Naima - What's Love Got to Do With It?
I'm sorry, but if you don't have Tina's legs, then you shouldn't even try to sing Tina's song. I don't get this girl. What is with the outfit? Yuck. And yeah...she really can't sing. Had to fast forward.

Number two: Paul - I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues
I'm sorry, but I just don't like his voice. What is that style exactly? I'm trying to get it, I really am, but I'm failing. And now I'm fast forwarding. Sorry Paul.

Number three: Thia - Colors of the Wind
OMG, she was born in 1995??? I'm gonna try to get past that. Her cause wasn't helped by how much I hate this song...and normally I'm a HUGE Vanessa Williams fan, but this song is from a bad movie and it's all tainted. However...she can sing. Yes. I'm a fan of her performance. You go young one. You go.

Number four: James - I'll Be There For You
It's hard for me to hear (or see) anyone else sing a Bon Jovi song, because no one will ever be good enough. James was okay, but mostly he just made me wanna go find the video of the original song so I could see Jon singing. Not a huge fan of this, but better than Naima and Paul. Not sure that's saying a whole lot though. 

Number five: Haley - I'm Your Baby Tonight
Oh dear. No. Just no. She is too young to be singing this. Do.Not.Like. Fast forwarded. Unless you're Whitney Houston, you shouldn't be singing a Whitney Houston song. That is all.

Number six: Stefano - If You Don't Know Me By Now
Pretty sure this was done by someone else before Simply Red but I can't remember who. Always liked it. Okay. I'm liking this. Yeah. He can sing. Oh, was it Billy and the Beaters that it did it before? I realize I could look it up but I'm just counting on one of you knowing. He's definitely the best of the night so far. No question about that. Oh, Harry Melvin and the Blue Notes...thanks Randy...
  • Side note one: What is up with J Lo's giant hair?
  • Side note two: The men are like 100 times better than the women.
  • Side note three: I just don't need to know everyone's back story. If we got rid of those, this show could be an hour instead of two. Just saying.
Number seven: Pia - Where Do Broken Hearts Go?
Oh dear...another Whitney song? I'm scared. Oh no. No no no. First of all, that outfit? Ouch. Second of all, see my prior comment about Whitney songs. Are you Whitney? Okay then. Third of all, she still just bugs me. Fast forwarding.

Number eight: Scotty - Can I Trust You With My Heart?
Oy. 1993? These peeps are making me feel old. I think he can sing, but I just can't do the country music. I just don't like it. Nope. Can't do it. Had to fast forward. Sorry Scotty.

Number nine: Karen - Love Will Lead You Back
OMG. What is she wearing??? I'm kind of scared of it; like that bun could take me out and those earrings could be used as handcuffs. I'm totally distracted by the outfit. Her singing's rather meh, but not as bad as some others. From what I've seen so far, she's not the one I would have voted off. I'm still gonna fast forward because I don't need to hear any more to know it's not gonna get any better.

Number ten: Casey - Smells Like Teen Spirit
Ugh. I seriously hate this song. I'm scared. Okay, kinda love that he's playing the bass. And he's actually not bad. Not nearly as annoying as Cobain. In fact, I can actually understand the words. Still hate the song, but he's not bad at all. In fact, he's pretty stinkin' good. Not my favorite, but probably the second best so far in my mind.

Number eleven: Lauren - I'm The Only One
1994? Goodness. I seriously love this song, and I'm scared that she's about to ruin it for me. And I was right. I can't listen. At all. Oy.

Number twelve: Jacob - Alone
Never liked this song. Never liked Heart. Jacob's almost making it bearable, but honestly, not really liking his voice on it. But it may just be that the song is tainted. Nonetheless, it's getting fast forwarded.

My favorite: Stefano, followed closely by Casey. 

My least favorite: Again. A toss up, but I don't think Karen was the worst. I would say Haley, then Lauren, then Naima. 

Guess we'll see what happens next...what did you guys think?

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Blogging the Idols - Top 13

I haven't watched this season's Idol until now. I just couldn't do all that pre stuff again. I do think the talent overall is better than last year when I had to stop watching completely. I can still only watch it via DVR though. I'd have to kill myself if I couldn't fast forward through the performances I don't like or the Ryan Seacrest chatter. Anyway...thought I'd blog my thoughts this year, so here we go...what did you think?

One: Lauren
Country. No. Not a fan. And she was pitchy. Had to fast forward.

Two: Casey
YES. A thousand kinds of yes, and I do NOT like Joe Cocker, so the fact that I still loved the performance says a lot.

Three: Ashton
Oh. Where do I start? No. Under pitch the first few phrases. Had to fast forward.

Four: Paul
Okay. I can get behind Paul. Not a fan of Ryan Adams, but I sorta dug it. A little pitchy, but really enjoyed the performance.

Five: Pia
Do you think she knows Celine Dion wasn't the first person to sing that song? She was pretty good. Didn't dig that train thing on her dress though. And something about her just bugged. But the singing part was okay.

Six: James Hard because I LOVE that song and hearing someone else sing it is tough. He was okay, but just not really a fan. Fast forwarded.

Seven: Haley
LeAnn Rimes is your idol? I feel old. Still country. And still Fast forwarded.

Seriously, when did this become Country Idol? Isn't there a different show for that??? I blame Carrie Underwood for this. Bothered.

Eight: Jacob
Is it bad that I know he worked at Burke Williams based on the fact he mentioned Hunter's Retreat? A little concerned that R Kelly's his idol, but that is one of my favorite songs and he definitely did it justice. I DO believe I can fly.

Nine: Thia
One of my favorite songs. But not the way she sang it. She can sing, but I did not like this at all. Fast forwarded.

Ten: Stefano
Another one of my favorite songs. Not a fan of his version. Techno? Just say no. Don't really think it was right for his voice. Not a fan. Fast forwarded.

Eleven: Karen
Selena. J Lo. Hmmm... Love this song too. But wow. This wasn't good. Kinda boring actually. And something about her bugged too.

Twelve: Scotty
Oh dear. More country. I kinda want to cry. It's clear the kid can sing, but my ears can't handle it. Sorry, but had to fast forward.

Thirteen: Naima
Rhianna's your idol? Really? Hmmm... Oh dear. I kinda want to punch this performance in the face. Bad.

My favorite: Jacob, hands down.

My least favorite: Wow. That's a toss up. Naima and Ashton, but the country stuff just makes me cringe so I really can't judge.

Until next week...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I'm about to go on a rant...

It won't take long and there might be another one later. Right now my rant is about turn signals and the apparent difficulty most drivers have using them. Seriously. How hard is it? You see me wondering if I can turn out of the parking lot/driveway/street. You already know you're turning into the parking lot/driveway/street. You know I'm waiting to see if you turn or not, but since you have no interest in expending the energy to turn on your signal I must wait until you're mid-turn to make my move. And of course by that time, there's a car behind you not turning so I am forced to wait longer. Had you only signaled I would be gone by now. Don't even get me started about those of you that don't signal before pulling in front of me on the freeway. You live in your own special world and the rest of us are just your slaves.

Here are my only exceptions for NOT using the turn signal:

1 - It's 2 in the morning and you are, in fact, the only car on the road, on any road, in any town, anywhere.
2 - You're actually in a turn lane. In fact, when you use the turn signal while in a turn lane you are just wasting energy and with every flash of your turn signal you decrease its life.

That's it. Those are the exceptions. Think you can handle that?

Good. I'm done...for now.