Oh where to start...all I wanted to do this morning was go see a nice little movie to relax; eat some popcorn, shed a few tears, the usual. And so, I made my way to the AMC Saratoga 14 for the 9:45am showing of Charlie St. Cloud. Moment of sigh-lence please for Zac Efron...
Moving on...got my ticket, got my popcorn and my bottle of water. Made my way into the theater and started watching the commercials and other things they thought I was interested in. That's when I decided to blog about my morning.
So, you may have read in the news this week that Wyclef Jean is going to run for President of Haiti. Okay. Sure. Why not? It's not like we in the US have never had a celebrity in office (see: Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Jessie Ventura, etc.). And so sure. You go Wyclef. I really don't care one way or the other. If you can help the people of Haiti? More power to you. Here's the problem...I can't really imagine you running a country when I see you touting Ritz Crackers and talking seriously about how they take you back to a place when you were young. And I can't really watch you playing a drum major in the commercial about said crackers and telling me how great the song is that you wrote/remixed for it. Do I like the song? Sure. It's good. But really? Ritz crackers take you back? Really?
I'll tell you where they take me back to...it's to my friend's pantry where I found a box of Ritz infested with maggots. Yeah. I don't eat those crackers anymore. To be fair, the maggots weren't the fault of the crackers or Wyclef, but the whole experience is tainted. I haven't eaten a Ritz since.
So okay Wyclef. Run for President. Eat some Ritz. Whatevs.
After this ad and its weirdness went away, I continued waiting, and until approximately 9:44, I was the only one in the place. I was kind of excited about just watching the movie by myself, but then three people came in to join me. I was seated in the back row and they took the front, so basically, I was still by myself.
And so the movie starts, well, I should say the pre-movie entertainment starts...you know, the 437 previews you get to see before your movie? Yeah. That. And those go until about 10 at which point, two more people enter the theatre. Really? Do you know you're 15 minutes late? So I watch them walk up the stairs, and it's dark, and they're still walking and seriously, they sit down one seat away from me. ONE SEAT! Come on. The whole theatre is EMPTY.
But then, oh then it just got annoying. They brought their own food and proceeded to get it out of its very noisy plastic bags and talk about it while doing it. And then they proceeded to talk off and on through the movie - asking each other questions about it, commenting when they didn't understand, and so on. I'm honestly not sure they even knew I was there. I could have moved, but you know what? I was there first, and I was settled, and frankly, I just didn't want to.
I enjoyed the movie despite them...I mean, it was Zac Efron on the big screen, how bad could it have been? And yes, I realize he's like 25 and I'm, well, not...but whatever. The movie's storyline differed quite a bit from the book, but it was still good. I do think I liked the book better, but it didn't make me enjoy the movie any less.
Anyway...that's what you get when you go to the movies on Sunday morning. Wyclef, Ritz Crackers and other people. I really need my own theatre...
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