Be advised...I'm about to go on a rant. I've had just about enough of the tailgating.
No. Not THAT kind of tailgating.THIS kind...
Every day I get this. Without fail. Note the two empty lanes to the left of the tailgater - in case you are unsure, the tailgater is the silver car behind the blue van. He could move to the left, but is apparently magnetically drawn to the blue van. There's just no reason for this!!
Driving home tonight, I was tailgated by the ugliest car ever made. The Pontiac Aztek. And it was aggressive. If you don't believe me, please see the exhibit to the right...U-G-L-Y...and it ain't got no alibi.
When I was able to move over safely I did. And I expected this guy to just fly by me since he'd been 4.5 inches from my bumper for 10 minutes. But no. He just lolly-gagged his way on by. That is even more annoying than the tailgating!!
My feeling is, if you're so much more important than me, and in such a huge hurry that you have to ride my bumper for miles, then when I move, you better just leave me in the dust. I can tell you that 9 times of 10, that doesn't happen. It's wrong. SO wrong.
My absolute favorite tailgating moment happens many mornings when I drive to work. A friend and I sometimes carpool, and therefore, as crazy as it sounds, often ride in the carpool lane. I can't even articulate how many times we're tailgated by a NON-carpooler in that lane. I refuse to move for those people. They are illegal in my lane and should not get to just go. Many times they'll jerk around me and whip right back in front, all illegal and annoying. And CHiPs is NEVER around when that happens. You KNOW that if I drove solo in the carpool lane that a ticket would be issued in about 37 seconds.
Side note...that just reminded me of Jason Derulo's Ridin' Solo...okay, back to my rant...
I just really don't get the whole tailgating thing. Do the tailgaters really think they're winning by getting that close to me? Do they think they're intimidating me? Are they really that much more important? Is their car that much cooler? I can tell you that if it's the Pontiac Aztek, the answer to that last one is a resounding NO.
I hope none of you out there are tailgaters. If you are, please enlighten me on why this is such a fun activity...if you dare...