Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Ground control to Major Tom...

...commencing countdown engine's on... (do you know the artist?)

Oh yes. The countdown is on. Actually, there are multiple countdowns at work.

  • First, the countdown to the return of Lost. I mean give it, and give it now! Less than 48 hours away!!
  • Second, the countdown to the birthday festivities. Friends and family begin arriving in less than 48 hours (6 1/2 hours prior to the return of Lost to be exact). I can't wait to see everyone and enjoy the Sharks playing in my honor. Ken and Marianne...I'll miss you.
  • Finally, the countdown to the birthday itself (which actually comes two full days AFTER the festivities). From today, it's 6 days away. Bring it on. After all, 40 is the new 15. :-)

As I sit here chatting about countdowns, I realize they are really just another type of list. Am I destined to be defined by a list? Are you defined by a list? Have I lost my mind? Oh look, a LIST of questions! I think we all know the answer to that last question...

Alright, I think I better stop for the night. I've clearly lost it. One final question though...what sit-com does that song remind you of?


Saturday, January 26, 2008

Trying something new...

So, now that my father has his own (gulp) blog, I felt it only right that I actually did this the right way with a real (groan) blog tool. So here goes...the new anti-blog...brought to you via blogspot...still found via itisyay.com...and now apparently, via Google as well. Neat.

I'm sitting here watching a movie tonight called "7 things to do before I'm 30", and I'm wondering if any real person ever made a list like this. I never did. Good thing. Since I'm well past 30. In a little over a week I turn 40. That's right. The big Four Oh. I'm looking forward to celebrating with a number of friends and family. I guess my list would have to be "7 things to do before I'm 50" ... yikes.

I just don't know that these lists are a good thing. Don't they just set you up for failure? Last night I saw the movie "The Bucket List" and watched two grown men rush around the world crossing things off their lists to do before they died. Apparently these lists are everywhere! Is this a good list to write? Would you still end up disappointed?

It seems to me that we should just keep an ongoing list of things we'd like to do, but not put parameters around them and realize that some things may never happen. My list would probably start something like this:

1 - Sing the national anthem at a major sporting event

Yeah. That's as far as I got. Either I can't think creatively enough or I really just don't have that much I want to do that I'm not already doing. I have no desire to get a tattoo (that was on the list in this movie...ouch) or to go skydiving. Maybe people make these lists because they're not satisfied with the current state of their life. What do you think? Do you have one of these lists? Could you make one right now?

So there it is. My first blogspot post. I'm still calling this my anti-blog, because I still think the word blog is lame beyond belief.